Because I had been in pain for a couple of weeks when the pain started to get worse, I started making more phone calls in an effort to find a pain clinic that was closer than rochester's Mayo. I went to the Rehabilitative Institute of Chicago, that Mayo had recommended. I talked with the doctors who then poked at me and watched me walk and so forth and wiggle my toes. There was time spent sitting in the waiting rooms. I had a psychological evaluation. The doctors had decided that wha...
Today I went to the Y to excercise. I try to do this 2-3 times a week. I worked out on the machines, free weights, etc. Was there 1.5 hours. I weight myself on their scale. It told me I weight 282 pounds. My scale at home says I weigh 10 pounds less. Now in my experience my scale at home has been accurate before... but it could be off now. I am beginning to understand why people opt for such painful and risky procedures like gastic bypass. According to this scale I have managed to ...
I want to be healthy. Most people would like to be healthy. I try to be healthy- I excercise regularily, I am on a diet, and I have way too many doctor's apointments. In the spirit of staying healthy I went to see my old allergist because I think it would be lovely to breath well again. So my allergist is looking up my old allergy test results (I can't afford to get retested). I also had a CAT Scan of my sinuses because of this chronic sinusitus stuff. It didn't reveal much, just a smal...
I've been on a diet latley because losing weight is supposed to help my GERD. So I've been watching what I eat, increasing fibre and vegtables, counting calories and so forth. All I had had to eat today was a Youriche light so when dinner rolled around I was really hungry and got a supervalue meal from McDonalds. It was delicious. Then after a while I started gagging and I threw half of it up again. I hate throwing up-- Its gross, it makes a mess, it tastes bad, and it just plain doe...
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is, by the very name, exhausting. It is not the being ill that offends me so much, the frequency and variation of the illness. Last week I had the flu-- this week the cold that never went away two weeks ago has become a sinus infection. And I do not get used to the variety and I will miss work when these things hit and sleep through class and feel miserable. I think that I beleive that one day I will wake up and be better- that while I might not be strong or p...
My sophmore year I studied abroad in Swansea, Wales. I loved Swansea and I certainly understand why Dylan called it the grave yard of ambition. It is because once one is there, one is content to stay there. Other things are no longer as important. I have been back in illinois for more than a year now, and I miss Swansea. Sometimes at night I dream about walking in the city centre and picking up vegtables at the market. I feel homesick for it. I was only there for ten months, but I feel...
I decided that I needed to buy a cute new skirt. I have a couple cute skirts, but they are all black or short. I wanted something longer with some color and as I have a wedding to go to this Saturday I decided that this would be an excellent excuse. So I went shopping. Now I gained Fifty pounds about 1 year ago and I went up a couple of sizes when that happened. Before I got sick I carried my weight well, but after I stopped being physically active I starting to get flab everywhere and ...
About once a week I spend the night at my boyfriend's house. And when I do we tend to sleep in, hang out, and relax. Maybe work on his car or mine. Walk the dogs, etc. I spend a lot of time there. He's my boyfriend. I love him. My bunny also lives there after a landlord problem a couple of months ago. But sometimes I think its not always the best use of my time. We've been dating for 10 months now and I see him every day usually. We tend to spend more and more time together, which i...
Ok... long time since I posted. It got worse before it got better. I had an ultra sound and they found a pelvic mass. I also had a colonoscopy and an upper GI and an ambulatory PH test. Turns out I had an ovarian cyst that ruptered... And then the pain never went away after the thing ruptered in April. So I had a laprosropy in April, and there was no internal damage. But I did have nerve entrapment on my abdominal wall right by where the cyst was. So to treat that I had to have a seri...
I've been sick and its not getting better. People keep trying to think of solutions and help me which is sort of nice, but I kept trying to do things on my own and I was being optimistic that it would all get better soon. I think I might have been wrong. My boyfriend is very sweet. He worries about me. I went over to his place for dinner the other day and I started having bad pains, so he took me to the ER and waited for a long time while we sat around. All my labs come back normal and t...
I recently bought a bunny from an aquantance of mine. He's great. He hops around and wiggles the nose and is soft and all that and all I have to do is feed him and clean the cage everyday. I'd been planning on getting a bunny for a while. Then I went to the pet store to get some more rabbit food. And I bought a fish- a beta and then I bought a lilly for the beta vase. I've had rabbits and fish before, but I guess it seems kinds of strange to me that all of a sudden I feel this need to aquir...
I'm almost 21 years old. I am female and a junior in college. Until recently I had a lovely GPA (3.4) until I failed chemistry when it droped to a 3. I have nonverbal learning disability, which is really annoying. I also have a double major in creative writing and neuoscience, a bunny, and a boyfriend I adore. Lately I've been sick. In the past month I've been to the student health center almost half a dozen times, where they usually write out a prescription. I'm sick of pills. No one...
Hello. I'm writing a blog because I have a tendancy to fail physics. And if I fail again I lose my financial aid. While writing a blog won't help with that, it might help with the stress.